Saturday 3 August 2024


 Love is a universal antidote we all need to live forever

Without love we will all perish, love is all that kills us

Love is a slow killing drug that takes life in place of death

Wondering why? Allow me to show you how

Love is so strong that it makes you weak

So protective that it makes you vulnerable

Like a shield of the heart it allows it to crush so hard

Leaving it shuttered into many tiny pieces

Love is sweet, it is made of so much pain

Which can leave you wandering and crying in the rain

Love makes us see rainbows but making us blind

But in all things, don’t love if you want to die

Love if you want to live forever because that is all we need to live

Like I said in the first line, ignore the second and third line

And focus more on the last line I am about to pen down

Love kills you by making you live forever, love is immortality

Title: Immortality 

Written by S Kojo Frimpong

Friday 2 August 2024

Back In The Days

 Back in the days, when everything used to be so green

I was just little by then and everything seemed too big

And now that I am old everything keeps getting bigger

Deep down inside my heart is an enormous sea of tears

With every blink of the eye it floods down like a river

Gushing out of my eye balls like a water fall with no fear

Whenever I reminisce about the very good old days

When everything used to be so green and the future so bright

But now looking forward into the past, there is nothing called future

And looking back into the future I see nothing called past all because

We are all living in the present and the past is long gone without a future

A poem written by S Kojo Frimpong