Saturday 3 August 2024


 Love is a universal antidote we all need to live forever

Without love we will all perish, love is all that kills us

Love is a slow killing drug that takes life in place of death

Wondering why? Allow me to show you how

Love is so strong that it makes you weak

So protective that it makes you vulnerable

Like a shield of the heart it allows it to crush so hard

Leaving it shuttered into many tiny pieces

Love is sweet, it is made of so much pain

Which can leave you wandering and crying in the rain

Love makes us see rainbows but making us blind

But in all things, don’t love if you want to die

Love if you want to live forever because that is all we need to live

Like I said in the first line, ignore the second and third line

And focus more on the last line I am about to pen down

Love kills you by making you live forever, love is immortality

Title: Immortality 

Written by S Kojo Frimpong

Friday 2 August 2024

Back In The Days

 Back in the days, when everything used to be so green

I was just little by then and everything seemed too big

And now that I am old everything keeps getting bigger

Deep down inside my heart is an enormous sea of tears

With every blink of the eye it floods down like a river

Gushing out of my eye balls like a water fall with no fear

Whenever I reminisce about the very good old days

When everything used to be so green and the future so bright

But now looking forward into the past, there is nothing called future

And looking back into the future I see nothing called past all because

We are all living in the present and the past is long gone without a future

A poem written by S Kojo Frimpong


Thursday 1 February 2024

There Comes A Time

 There comes a time

Where I will talk no more

My voice will echo yet unheard

You can feel it in every whisper of the wind

I will be a ghost in your dreams and nightmares

There comes a time

Where I will cry no more

My tears will form in the open skies

And pour as rain. 

I will smoke and fill the air

With my fumes

And my smiles will be manifested

In the sun sun and glittering stars

There comes a time where you will see me no more

You will yearn for more of me

And get none of me

Except for my mortal remains

Which will turn to dust 

In my tomb will you visit regularly

Only to one day see my scatred dried bones

Disappear right under your nose.

Now I am phantom

Scaring people in their dreams

And entertaining them in their night mares

Appearing in the whirl winds

And hiding in the shadows of the moon light

I will come from the opening skies

Amidst the sun and the moon

With the Stars blowing trumpets

And the birds singing melodies

And beating drums to announce my departure

I will no longer be your pet

Because I will command respect

From all who took me for granted

Wednesday 31 January 2024

When I Was Little, A Poem Written By S Kojo Frimpong

 When I was little I wanted to be a spy

But I never knew why I wanted to be one

Or even understood why I had to be a spy

Until now that I still have so many unanswered questions

Hovering in my head like scavengers

Waiting to feast on my dead brains

At any least given chance

Why were we kept from so many secrets?

When they knew it will one day be open themselves to us

I wanted to become a spy so I could

Figure out what goes on behind closed doors

When lovers are coiled inside blankets

I wanted to also know how our parents

Did their magic that brought forth

One of our kind every four years

I wanted to find what was hidden

Behind the deep blue skies

And the deep blue seas

I wanted to find out what goes on behind closed doors

And inside the dark when all the lights go out

But now I realise every secret is open

There are no secrets but mysteries

So I am a spy and I know not

What I am seeking but I will know

When I finally meet who I have been

Seeking for right from birth

I will realise I was finding myself

And I didn't know I was lost

By S Kojo Frimpong 

Monday 29 January 2024


You asked me about the war of Adwa,

I asked if you had forgotten that

The thief only came to steal, to kill, and to destroy.

You asked me about how we lost ourselves

I asked you if you have forgotten how

Like a plaque, they have coerced us to let go of ourselves?

Altering our culture and religion

And holding us in captivity like the Israelites

In the hands of the Egyptians.

I spoke truth:

Truth be told this is not a fairytale

It only happened 126 years ago

That when told,

It sounds so fiction in your ears.

Unlike Moses, our savior did not come with a rod, he was

Chaperoned by his youthful brother.

But are histories not stories?

The legend of how traditional warriors

farmers, and pastoralists

As well women conquered a well-armed

And highly apt alien troops in the northern town of Adwa, Ethiopia

Adwa still stands as a testament

To what Africans can do when we reach jointly as one

Today I remind you about not only the victory of Emperor Menelik

And the populace of Ethiopia

But I am painting you an illustration of an everlasting ink

How Adwa veered around into the symbol of redemption

And liberation for the whole of Africa

Monday 31 July 2023

There She Goes

There she goes

Clothed in gold but covered in mud

Framed with disgrace yet full of grace

Ill painted with fornication

And awaiting to be crowned with a protruding belly But

Early before the sun rise, she swings her waist

Before glittering eyes, beaming with anger

Iced in fear, she limps on a leg

With a pot placed on her head

But her smile shone brighter than the sun

A symbol of beauty she was

She passed the test of tradition

With many unanswered questions clinged to her success

Time after time she will be head lined

As the line between man and the gods

For none has ever defied the gods

And lived to write their biography

Slowly, she retracts her steps majestically

Into the mouth of the river

Over the banks are jeering inhabitants

Waiting for her to be swallowed whole

Into the belly of the sacred river god

But she walks on the water lightly like a feather

A proof of her innocence which could be tested all over her face

Right from the on set

Then suddenly I emerged from nowhere

Took the pot from her head

And filled it with contents of the sacred water

Carried her shoulder high and walked 

Through the flooded path towards home

 Used or abused probably, Only the gods could vindicate 

But she was a miracle I held in my sleep

And I still wander if such beauty could ever be contained

On this earth, then I heard a voice in my head

"It was just a dream" but I hope to visit

again someday soon just to see how the story goes

And maybe write the end of this beautiful story

A poem by S Kojo Frimpong

Wednesday 26 July 2023


Yesterday, God sent me a poem

A madrigal beautifully crafted

From the muds of Eden

I prayed for a godsend

But He epitomized His artistry through the beautiful art of work

Wonderfully and beautifully sculptured to me as a present

Prepared to haul into the future with me 

But tomorrow is never certain 

Because the world is brightened by darkness

The night has become the light of the day 

But she moonshines the twilight with her smile

Burning a mile away from heaven

Cooling my gates of hell

Yell her name "Ahmadiyya" and with the sound of trumpets,

Heavens will tremble with joy

Amidst thick clouds of dust

As Angels and demons stomp their feet

In attention position on the clouds

Flooding the earth with downpours

I can't depict what greeted my sights

In this poetry of the Creator

As much as I try to read 

Most of the lines are metaphors

Discernible but hard to figure out

The entire contents and essence 

But from head to toe was she shrouded in a veil

And she seeks the creator from the face of the West

With her head buried in the sand

I don't know what God looks like

But I know for sure that

God is a poem, a beautiful story

Written to us in our sleep

For our eyes are too sightless

To see the real grandeur

Of the creator's writings in molding these daughters of Eve

Written By;

S Kojo Frimpong